Saturday, February 23, 2008

Just a VERY leisurely Saturday...

1) Have you seen the latest Coke ads? With VITAMINS???
2) Me at leisure watching Italy lose to Wales in Rugby

Allo! Allo!

A wonderful Saturday doing not very much at all – as R says, at his age, he deserves some down time! So…got up to a cloudy but non-rainy day. Breakfasted as usual and made a shopping list – yes, again! Took the 27 down to Rue Monge/Rue Mouffetard and got “the usual” – braseola, provolone picante, rocketta, tomates sechees, rice, and 1 kilo of faux fillet – yes, Katy, more BTOR. [To be honest, we tried to find something else to make, but everything else that we have in the family cookbook requires 1) a barbeque grill; 2) lots of other spices and ingredients that we would have to buy], and as this is our last week … BTOR it is. However, R insisted on getting it from our favorite butcher shop … and needless to say that 1 kilo of faux filet was upwards of 25E…so…some GREAT beef, for sure! Back home and dropped everything off.

Then headed to Gare du Nord. We are invited out for lunch to Graciela and Alain’s house in Saint Leu-le-Foret tomorrow, and rather than mess around with tickets, wanted to get them today so that tomorrow, all we have to do is get on the train. Well, again, MAJOR frustration! Here’s the story: There is only one ticket booth with two agents selling tickets. They are trying to push everyone into using the automatic machines that they have everywhere. Here is the problem: The machines will NOT take U.S. credit cards (even though they say VISA, MC, etc.) NOR will they take BILLS – coins ONLY! And I don’t know about you, but I don’t know too many people who routinely walk around with $20 in change in their pocket! So, waited in line and got the tickets (and also picked up next week’s Carte Orange).

As R had some Caltech work to do, we separated at Gare du Nord and he RER’d home and I took the 42 bus over to the Madelaine. Got off there and had a great walk – down Rue St. Honore; some neat shops; had a nice time rambling, as random looking at shops is something R HATES to do! Took the 27 bus from Pyramides back to the flat, and we decided on baguette avec jambon et fromage (ham and cheese sandwiches) for lunch.

I took another neighborhood walk after lunch. Wanted to find a Vietnamese restaurant that had been recommended. Very close; about 10 minute walk away; menu looked good. We’ll see! Headed back to the flat with l’Equipe (the sports paper) to see what if any sports would be on TV today! And, le voila! It’s Rugby! The Six Nations cup is in full swing – three matches today! Currently watching Ireland beating Scotland; England vs. France from Paris coming up next! Somehow just couldn’t find any more ambition of that, so we’re staying in! (and watching TV) Made the ravioli with R’s pasta sauce for dinner; just wonderful, both the store-bought ravioli (stuffed with gorgonzola and walnuts) and the sauce! Are now comfortable settled in front of TV set with bottle of wine between us … not a bad way to spend an evening – in fact, just to have one picture for the blot today…R took one when I wasn’t looking!

More tomorrow!

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