Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dorothy was RIGHT --

There is NO place like home!

Other than the fact that the ambulance company picked us up 20 MINUTES late this morning (and the Montpellier/Paris flight had already closed)...but they let us on...EVERYTHING else went absolutely flawlessly. Our sincere thanks to HTH International for their concern and fantastic care and arrangements.

Our neighbor Thatcher picked us up this afternoon at the Tucson airport, and his lovely wife Amy had dinner waiting for us when we got here -- plus treats, which is WONDERFUL!

So -- Thank you EVERYBODY for all your support. Your emails and phone calls made ALL the difference in the world to both of us!

I may post a post-op picture of R's bruise, and I definitely want to post a picture of him and one of the firemen on top of the wall...

More later, and lots of love!!


Nikus said...

Glad you are home safe and sound!

Meg Dornfeld said...

Wow! Just got caught up from the last few days. I, too, am glad you are home safe! What luck you had with everyone at the hotels, hospital and airlines. Rest for these next few days!
